Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Bunnies!

Yesterday, on Easter morning, millions of little Christian kids around the world woke up to chocolate bunnies in nests of green plastic grass, surrounded with candy. But out in Nerd Country, we woke up to real bunnies in a nest of real grass! Now, granted, they were surrounded by horse apples instead of the more edible kind, but still, the analogy holds.

Annie found the perfectly round little nest of freshly-born bunnies when she went out for the evening feeding. The placement of the little hollow was a bit of a problem, as it was right underneath our big horse Dylan (giant hooves plus tiny bunnies equals less than secure lodging), so she carefully scooped up the nest and moved it into the hay stall where it would be safe. We worried that the mother rabbit might smell us on the babies and reject them, but this morning when I checked back in they were covered up all snug and tight. One of them immediately poked its head out of the nest as if to challenge me, even though it couldn't even open its eyes yet. He also didn't waste any time kicking back his siblings who were also trying to come up to see what was happening. Those legs aren't just for hopping, you know!

Anyway, I couldn't resist taking some pictures of our little Easter bunnies. I like the first one particularly because he looks so grumpy.


John said...

say it with me now...

...aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww. Lookit thu cute widdle bunnies!

Jeff Hebert said...

I know, I almost put the actual photos behind the jump with a "CUTENESS DANGER LEVEL 5!" warning before it. That kind of unmitigated cuteness can be deadly if you're not careful.

Denise said...

They are adorable!! And what a nice Easter treat!!

Denise said...

By the way, I like the new look of the blog, especially you with the pitchfork!