Monday, February 06, 2006

I Have No Responsibilities Here Whatsoever

We use an online project management application here at the office. Here in living color is proof that I am utterly blameless if anything goes wrong (click for a larger version):


The Cow Whisperer said...

I would like a t-shirt that says the same thing (but with MY name). I would wear it around the house at every opportunity...especially meal times.

You know...with this kind of thing being popular amongst those of us lacking ovaries...well, come to think of it, it is no wonder that females of quite a few different species get really peeved at males when they try to mate...

Denise said...

My favorite T-shirt slogan: "Insanity is hereditary. You get it from your kids." And my ever-favorite male-bashing T-shirt, one that states "I'm with stupid," and the arrow points to the crotch... Sorry guys, but I laughed out loud when I saw it!